1-on-1 consultation with an agent
After obtaining a copy of your credit report, you will receive a free consultation with one of our agents. We will walk you through the entire report and explain to you in full detail each item and how it affects your credit rating.

Determine what you would like to dispute
After reviewing the credit report, your consultant will help you determine where the problem areas are. Once all problems are identified, you will receive a quote.

Work on your file begins
After you sign the credit repair contract, your file goes to our Processing department and work immediately begins. Since bureaus are required to respond to disputes within 30 days, you should expect to receive response letters from them after 30 to 45 days. Any letters you receive should be mailed, faxed, or emailed to us for processing.

You will begin to see results
As work on your file continues and derogatory or inaccurate items begin to fall off, your credit profile will begin to improve. We also keep you informed of your progress through phone calls and emailed reports. Click here to view a sample status report!